Covid Policies: For in-person events, all attendees must be vaccinated and symptom-free.
Shabbat Services
CTC holds egalitarian services the second Friday of each month at 6:00 PM in the homes of its members. Services are followed by a vegetarian potluck dinner. |
High Holy Days Services
HH Day services are held in members' homes and lay-led. Only one day of Rosh Hashanah is observed. The synagogue Board sponsors an oneg after services on erev Rosh Hashanah. A dairy potluck follows morning services the next day, and a dairy break fast follows yizkor and neilah services at the conclusion of Yom Kippur. |
The congregation frequently hosts a sukkot gathering in a member's garden. Click here to view the many and varied sukkot that have been built by one of our members over the years. All were made exclusuively from recycled maerials. A dairy potluck in our sukkah follows recital of the blessings over the lulav and etrog. |
CTC observes the Festival of Lights on the first Friday evening during Hanukkah. Attendees are encouraged to bring their hanukkiahs and candles, as well as a dairy potluck dish. A gay and/or Jewish-themed movie follows candle lighting and dinner. |
Sometimes it's a costume party, sometimes we read the Book of Esther, but always there is food and wine and lots of noise and good cheer! |
Passover Seder (second night)
CTC hosts a community seder on the second night of Passover, usually at the Washington Park Arboretum. The congregation provides wine and ritual food; attendees are asked to bring fleishic dishes for a potluck dinner. RSVP is required and a donation is requested to help defray the cost of the building rental and insurance. |